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Monday - Saturday
8:30 AM - 6:00 PM

About admin

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So far admin has created 11 blog entries.

Weak glutes anybody?


Is your bum on holidays?   Something no one ever tells you when you decide to become a physiotherapist is how many butts you’re going to look at. Honestly, it [...]

Weak glutes anybody?2022-07-13T14:58:22+08:00

Gluteal Tendinopathy


Have you recently started to experience pain at the side of your hip? With the turn of the new year now behind us, maybe you’re embracing your new healthy lifestyle [...]

Gluteal Tendinopathy2021-02-05T08:21:01+08:00

Injury blog: Facet lock


Injury blog: Facet Lock   Hello readers! We hope you’ve had an enjoyable Christmas and sent 2020 off with the bang it deserved. We’re kicking things off with a blog [...]

Injury blog: Facet lock2021-01-20T12:57:04+08:00

Osteoporosis: Myths and Facts


Osteoporosis: Myths and Facts It’s no secret that as we get older, concerns about health start to grow for many. Chronic disease statistics within the global population increase with age. [...]

Osteoporosis: Myths and Facts2020-10-21T13:19:25+08:00

Plantar Fasciopathy


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eget mollis leo. In ultricies sit amet justo ac tincidunt. Integer volutpat enim non velit pellentesque, a placerat dolor ullamcorper. Phasellus ac dolor velit. Nam molestie turpis sit amet diam lobortis sagittis. Etiam non orci quis dolor cons.

Plantar Fasciopathy2025-01-06T15:17:00+08:00

Osteopathy Myth-Busters


Osteopathy Myth-Busters As osteopaths, part of our job is to promote osteopathy to the masses. We do a lot of this by word of mouth, and we rely on our [...]

Osteopathy Myth-Busters2020-08-07T14:27:16+08:00

Vertigo: Symptoms and Treatment


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eget mollis leo. In ultricies sit amet justo ac tincidunt. Integer volutpat enim non velit pellentesque, a placerat dolor ullamcorper. Phasellus ac dolor velit. Nam molestie turpis sit amet diam lobortis sagittis. Etiam non orci quis dolor cons.

Vertigo: Symptoms and Treatment2020-05-10T17:00:17+08:00

About our practice:

Providing skilled Osteopathic Treatments in structural, visceral and cranial techniques.

Contact Info

34 Holdsworth Street

Phone: 0893361212