What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy was developed in Kirksville, Missouri, USA in 1870 by Andrew Taylor Still after intensive study of anatomy and physiology. He founded the American School of Osteopathy in 1892. Osteopathy continues to be improved and refined, offering patients a systematic treatment for structural restrictions.
Osteopathy is a ‘holistic’ approach to manual medicine. It focuses on treating all aspects of the body, from bones, joints, muscles, connective tissues, nerves and circulation through to affecting organ function, to ensure that the body functions in musculoskeletal balance. An osteopath assesses the balance and function of the whole body to see where discomfort may have arisen. A healthy person should have little long-lasting pain and can recover from injuries, sudden challenges and illness quickly.
More at https://www.osteopathy.org.au/
What is Osteopathy Treatment?
Osteopaths have a wide variety of manual techniques they use to treat various complaints. They include;
- Massage (deep and light soft-tissue work)
- Stretching
- Articulation of joints which are taken through their range of motion
- Muscle Energy Techniques used to lengthen tight and contracted muscles
- Counterstrain releases tight muscles by positioning the affected muscle in a shortened position to stretch the opposing muscles
- Manipulation short, quick movements used to improve joint range of motion
- Functional Techniques or Balanced Ligamentous Tension is gentle mobilisation of joints by easing through patterns of tissue strain
- Visceral Techniques
- Cranial and Biodynamics of Osteopathy
- Dry Needling
What is Osteopathy Training?
Registered Osteopaths have a 5-year university degree training or equivalent, which is recognised nationally and Medicare includes us under the umbrella of Allied Health professionals. We do regular postgraduate study in osteopathic and health-related subjects.
We are trained in the treatment of people of all ages. As we are primary care practitioners, patients do not need a referral to see an Osteopath. (except DVA, EPC, Motor Vehicle and Workers’ Comp)
We are also trained to know when a person needs to be referred for medical tests or needs to see another type of health practitioner. We work with GPs and other allied medical professionals as part of your Enhanced Primary Care team.